Smarter Outdoors Blog

How to Secure Your Home this Summer

How to Secure Your Home this Summer

Did you know, on average, crime spikes during the summer months? We’re talking an increase of home burglaries here, as more and more of us spend time outdoors and away from our homes. The holiday season encourages many of us out and away for longer periods of times,...

FAQs about Roller Shutters Perth

FAQs about Roller Shutters Perth

Considering installing roller shutters at your home or business? That’s a smart choice! Before you do though, it’s worth having some questions answered about how they work and how they’ll benefit you. There’s many a benefit behind roller shutters and they’re so easy...

Do Roller Shutters Keep the Heat in and the Cold Out?

How Roller Shutters Save You Money

It’s said that peace of mind is priceless – and when it comes to protecting your family, business and yourself: it’s true! Roller shutters in Perth provide this peace of mind, along with an abundance of savvy inclusions and benefits that will save you money, virtually...

A Step by Step Guide to Roller Shutters

A Step by Step Guide to Roller Shutters

A Step by Step Guide to Roller Shutters Whether it’s making your home more environmentally-friendly or providing added protection, roller shutters in Perth provide bang for your buck. Maybe you’ve been thinking about installing some roller shutters in your abode, for...