Where to Install Roller Shutters

Apr 23, 2021

A roller shutter offers several benefits to your home and business. They bring protection, insulation, and shade. There are many reasons to install roller shutters on your windows and doors, from privacy to energy efficiency. In this article, we’ll discuss the whys and the wherefores of using this system.

Why Installing Roller Shutters?

This system is handy in places in extreme weather conditions. It provides excellent insulation against cold, heat and UV rays. It protects you from the elements, but it also improves insulation. Besides that, it helps you save money on your energy bill. This system is also more efficient for blocking sunlight and external noises. 

Types of Roller Shutters Available

You can find manual and electric roller shutters. The latter option can also come with remote control. If your shutter must be opened and closed manually, it’s likely to wear and tear over the years. If you use an electric model, it’s advisable to use it regularly. Frequent use of the electric models will help in proper care and maintenance.

Where to Install Them?

Roller shutters are best for windows and doors. They provide many advantages, like protection from extreme conditions, noises, and prying eyes. They also enhance your security since it’s one barrier more to be crossed. You can order and install shutters of whatever size you need: from small windows to wide garage doors. But, consider that you’ll have to install an electric shutter if the door is too big. 

Where to Install Roller Shutters | Smarter Outdoors Perth

Manual vs Electric Shutters – Pros and Cons

With a specific limit of width and height, you get to choose whether to have it manual or electric. For most windows and doors around the house, a manual system would be enough, while for large doors like garages, you’ll need an electric one. Here are the pros and cons of both shutters.

Manual Shutters


  • Inexpensive and easy to install.
  • It’s as effective as electric ones in terms of insulation, sunblock and noise reduction.
  • It doesn’t require electrical work or any specialised shutter installer.


  • You can’t use it on big doors and windows since it’d be too heavy to lift.
  • Difficult to clean.
  • Awkward to operate.

Electric Shutters


  • Require no effort whatsoever.
  • Perfect for large and heavy doors and windows.
  • Works via Wi-Fi.
  • It’s a durable system when properly installed.


  • They are more expensive to install.
  • Requires an emergency system in case of loss of power.

Shutters vs Blinds

Exterior blinds and shutters help keep your home cooler during the summer by shielding the window glass. Outdoor blinds are an excellent option for shutters, especially for windows. They are much cheaper and easy to install than the roller shutters. But, roller systems have a much sturdier structure, more durable and provide superior insulation. External blinds can function the same way as roller shutters on windows and doors. Additionally, they also perform very well in open spaces, such as patios.

Maintenance Tips

Here are three quick tips to improve your shutters’ lifespan and effectiveness:

  • Wash your shutters regularly (every three months).
  • The bottom bar must be free of debris; otherwise, shutters won’t close.
  • Keep it lubricated to avoid unnecessary wear and tear of parts due to friction.


Roller shutters are best installed on windows and doors. You can choose whether you want either manual or electric. Either way, they help insulate your home and business, provide privacy, and reduce your energy bills. Some systems can even be operated via remote control. You can also operate them using Wi-Fi connected devices like computers, tablets, and smartphones.