10 Tips to Maintain the Window Roller Shutters for More Durability

Jun 12, 2019 | Roller Shutters

Window roller shutters are ideal for both commercial spaces and houses. They are installed with the purpose of providing security but can also accentuate the beauty of your place.

Modern roller shutters are multipurpose. They can be used to keep the bugs and flies away. Moreover, they keep the place cool when it gets too sunny outside. Likewise, they provide protection from the wind, rain, and snow. They provide privacy and thereby, increase the comfort of your house or commercial space.

Most window roller shutters in Perth are cost-effective and functionally valuable. However, if they aren’t installed properly, they might incur a lot of maintenance charges. Your window roller shutter manufacturer might be able to help you in such a situation.

Nevertheless, maintaining your window roller shutters for more durability becomes the owner’s responsibility. Read on to find out a few tips on how to keep your window roller shutters in good condition for a very long time.

Advantages of maintaining a good Window Roller Shutter

Durability and cost efficiency are not the only two advantages of maintaining window roller shutters.

  • If maintained well, the window roller shutter becomes easier to use.
  • The locking system of the roller shutter needs regular cleaning and greasing. This ensures that the roller
    shutter preserves safety and security.
  • Regular cleaning of the roller shutters will reduce the repaint costs.
  • Identifying and addressing the issue on time will avoid larger expenses later.

Tips to Increase Durability of Window Roller Shutters

There are different types of window roller shutters available in the market today. Some of the popular ones are opaque shutters, transparent shutters, semi-opaque shutters, filtered shutters, and transparent shutters. Depending on the quality of your shutter, plan your maintenance.

1. Wash

This is both, the simplest and the trickiest of all tips. Cleaning the window roller shutter needs to be done externally and internally. The exteriors of the window roller shutter are generally dirtier than the interiors because of the exposure to dust, dirt and extreme weather conditions outside.  Use a solution that has a 1:4 ratio of detergent and water respectively. Use either a sponge or a mop to clean the window. However, remember to wipe it immediately since some detergents cause a discolouration of the roller shutters. Stains are also removed by this solution. On the other hand, if the stains are tough, you can use bleach. Remember to test it before applying it to a larger area.

2. Repaint

To make your window roller shutter good as new, repaint. Most people make the mistake of repainting the window shutter without checking for dirt and dust. This creates an unappealing uneven layer of paint. Our advice is to wipe or dust the surface first. Then, paint a coat and if necessary paint a second layer.

3. Repairs

Although using a window roller shutter is easy, the mechanism itself is complex. It includes multiple parts that enable the easy usage of a roller shutter. Therefore, it is easy for these parts to have certain wear and tear. Since some of these parts are exposed to the harsh weather, their wear and tear will accelerate if not attended to. With the advent of the internet, learning how to make quick repairs by reading it up on the net or watching a video is not very difficult. Nevertheless, if you are unclear about how to resolve the issue or are unable to identify the problem, seek help from your manufacturer.

4. Oil

Depending on the type of window roller shutter you have, find the appropriate lubrication. It is necessary to schedule routines to lubricate your shutters. This ensures that the roller shutters move smoothly and do not catch rust. Some of the shutters have self-lubrication. Whereas others require you to coat them regularly. You can check with your manufacturer for the best lubricant for your roller shutter.

5. Clean

Windows get dirty at the edges and at the sill. So do window roller shutters. If there is a lot of dirt accumulated at the bottom or the sides, it might cause friction while closing the shutter. Ensure you wash it clean or dust the dirt off regularly.

6. Insects

Window roller shutters are meant to keep insects out. However, some insects have a tendency to build their nests on these shutters.

7. Vacuum

Most roller shutters are made up of aluminum. Whereas, some of them are made of wood. In such a case, avoid water and soap. Stick to using vacuum dusters and brushes to dust the debris away.

8. Balance

Checking your roller shutters for balance is extremely important as it may collapse and cause a hazard if not well maintained.

9. Working Condition

Do not leave your roller shutter either closed or open for long periods of time. Run them to make sure the smoothness is maintained.

10. Tidy

We often have a habit of decorating our windows with small potted plants and other accessories. Keep checking for any leaves and twigs that get in the way of the roller shutter.

Window Roller Shutter Maintenance and Other Services

At Smarter Outdoors we offer installation and maintenance services of roller shutters for Perth, Australia. If you want to know more about our maintenance services or offers, call us on 1800 560 843